Friday, December 4, 2009

Some updates

For about 3days Dylan was having what seems to be growth spurt. During daytime he was latching on every now and then. He didn't really sleep enough during his daytime naps, causing him to be very very cranky during evening hours. Since his intake was a lot, so was his poo. Our confinement lady insisted that it must have been gas and applied Ru Yi oil without my consent. Well, what is done is done.

Today we had some visitors. A few of my colleagues came by. Shawn was at home. He was ok seeing them at first. But when we asked him to bring the guests to see Didi, he started whining and cried. I thought it was due to jealousy. I told Caroline the massage lady about it and she said he probably thinks that the visitors were going to take Didi away. Reason being, he has the 'responsibility and ownership' of Didi now. In fact nowadays, when Didi cry, this is what he says, "Didi don't cry, Kor kor here". Sometimes he says "Kor kor lai" because my mum used to tell him to 'come over' to look at Didi. In the afternoon, Gavin and Karen dropped by. Shawn played the little host while enjoying himself watching The Lion King.

I'm still not spending much time with Dylan, except clocking those breastfeeding hours. I should start his daily tummy time and some 1 to 1 chitchat and singsong time real soon. I tried to bottle him feed him today. He took in 60ml while I fed him, all at one go! Yay!

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