Sunday, November 29, 2009

Update on Dylan

When Dylan just got back home from the hospital, he was draining me dry almost every hour on the 1st night. I was darn tired! Things had improved and Dylan has been drinking on a 3hrly interval. Well, I have no complaints or whatsoever.. just that sometimes he falls asleep during feed and I would have to patiently wake him up with all sorts of methods. I have not introduced bottle to him yet. I started pumping only 1wk (diligently) after we got home after the mastitis scare. One of the days, I woke up feeling a little sick. In half an hour upon me waking up, I checked my temperature, it was 38degC. I quickly popped in 2 panadol, fed Dylan while I was shivering and then quickly went under the blanket to rest. It was a very horrible feeling. The fever went off by noon and I was back to feeling normal. Anyway, now I pump twice a day, yielding excess of about 80-120ml in 5-10min and I pull the brakes. It also depends how well he had drained me during the feed before I pump. I don't want to overproduce. And Shawn is drinking as one of his feed, in the afternoons in the weekend or night feed on weekdays. He seems happy drinking it, he says it is nice. So what more could I say ? :)

I just started Dylan on tummy time today. He could lift up his head a bit while turning from side to side. Actually since day2 he could turn his head left to right while lying on his back. We noticed it while we were at the hospital. When we got back about 2weeks later, he was busy twisting himself around while on the back, which brings us to warn the confinement lady to be more careful when placing him at the edge of the bed when preparing him to bath!

Just today, for the first time, he took an afternoon for almost 5hrs, with an interval to wake up to drink for about 10min and going back to sleep. And he had gone back to sleep again. I hope tonight he would sleep for a longer interval.

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