Sunday, November 29, 2009

Update on Dylan

When Dylan just got back home from the hospital, he was draining me dry almost every hour on the 1st night. I was darn tired! Things had improved and Dylan has been drinking on a 3hrly interval. Well, I have no complaints or whatsoever.. just that sometimes he falls asleep during feed and I would have to patiently wake him up with all sorts of methods. I have not introduced bottle to him yet. I started pumping only 1wk (diligently) after we got home after the mastitis scare. One of the days, I woke up feeling a little sick. In half an hour upon me waking up, I checked my temperature, it was 38degC. I quickly popped in 2 panadol, fed Dylan while I was shivering and then quickly went under the blanket to rest. It was a very horrible feeling. The fever went off by noon and I was back to feeling normal. Anyway, now I pump twice a day, yielding excess of about 80-120ml in 5-10min and I pull the brakes. It also depends how well he had drained me during the feed before I pump. I don't want to overproduce. And Shawn is drinking as one of his feed, in the afternoons in the weekend or night feed on weekdays. He seems happy drinking it, he says it is nice. So what more could I say ? :)

I just started Dylan on tummy time today. He could lift up his head a bit while turning from side to side. Actually since day2 he could turn his head left to right while lying on his back. We noticed it while we were at the hospital. When we got back about 2weeks later, he was busy twisting himself around while on the back, which brings us to warn the confinement lady to be more careful when placing him at the edge of the bed when preparing him to bath!

Just today, for the first time, he took an afternoon for almost 5hrs, with an interval to wake up to drink for about 10min and going back to sleep. And he had gone back to sleep again. I hope tonight he would sleep for a longer interval.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dylan Ooi - My birth story

It's been 2wks since Dylan was born. We had decided to induce to bring him into this world earlier than he should be. His due date was 25Nov but I was the one having all sorts of funny stuff so, we decided to do it just right on time on w38.

On 11Nov:
11am Admitted to hospital

11.15am Did the enema to clear the bowels and waited for Dr Yang to come by.

11.30am Dr Yang came and did a check and I was still about 3-4cm dilated. Since I was still not in labor, after poking the waterbag, she put me on drip. Before she left, she said this, "It's your last chance. If you want epidural, you better take it now. Else later it'd be too late."

12pm Dr Yang left and we were waiting.

1pm YT went to have his lunch. That was when the contractions start to kick in. It's was pretty quick and I was clenching the pillow when it peaked. Boy was it awful?! Nurse came in and asked if I had wanted epidural, or GA or gas. I said no.. I wanted to endure. Stubborn eh?!

1.3opm YT came back and I was practically angry at him asking him what took him so long... :)

1.45pm Nurse came and asked again, I said ok, I'll take the gas.

2-2.31pm, Dr Yang came by and she checked, I was about 7cm dilated. However, I was already wrenching in pain. Felt like wanting to pass motion and I kept saying I needed to poo! Midwife did a check and said, I was still about 7cm. They called Dr Yang to come back to the labor ward. I think I was screaming and kept insisting, "No, I cannot wait. I must push now". The pain was unbearable at my groin. Nurses replied, "Wait for Dr to come. She needs to wait for the lift. So wait for her to come" It seemed forever to wait for her to come by. When she was here, she did a check and I was about 8cm. I heard her saying, "Something is not right". I don't know what she did but then anyway, it seemed minutes later, I kept saying, "I need to push now!" She did a snip and I was told to push. 1-2pushes and baby Dylan's head is out and 3rd push the body is out. Then I don't remember having to push the placenta out. I did ask, "Is it over yet?" and I heard a chorus of reply of yes :)

Baby was crying on top of his lungs and midwife placed him on my right. That little guy was wriggling about while Dr was trying to cut umblical cord. Then they did some clean up. Awhile later I looked up and it's 3pm

3pm Midwife passed him over for me to latch him on. He did a pretty good job

4pm After nurse cleaned me up, I was wheeled to the single bed room. Had apple tart as the 1st meal of the day. I whopped up the tart and milo. I was damn hungry

As for the rest of the evening, I just lied there and watch TV and slept. Nothing much could be done, until 8plus when I came down from the bed and went to the the toilet on foot after lying on the bed for the whole day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Inducing tomorrow

Ok, we have decided! If there is no action today, I would induce by poking water bag tomorrow. I had called up Dr Yang this morning and spoke to her. She told me to have a good supper before 2am, fast, admit into hospital at 11am. She'll see me at about 12pm and poke the waterbag and we'll wait. She guarantees that the baby would be out before her last clinic session.. whahaa which means before 5pm. Wish me luck!

Another Wednesday baby on the way!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Real stuff?

Last nigth I slept at 1130pm. Woke from 230am to 430++. I had 10-15min interval of mild regular contraction. Walked ard the room/house but didn't seem to be reduced. Finally I was too tired to stay awake. Then next, I woke up at 6am with pretty much the same pattern n intensity and went back to sleep till 7 plus. I decided to take a day off to cover back the sleep that I lost. I ended up not sleeping but decided to see Dr Yang today. Went on CTG, showed some contraction during the course of 10-15min. She did a scan and realised that baby is facing up (sunny side up, just like Shawn). That also contribute to more sore on my back. She told me to fly to the hospital if the pain intensify and increase in frequency, else baby would fly out :) Anyway, I decided to come home and rest and relax 1st. Would see how and decide later if I would want her to induce by poking my water bag. If baby turns face down, I could deliver in 2hrs, else it would take a longer time as sunny side up baby is more difficult to push (like Shawn) :)

My next appointment with Dr Yang is 16Nov (provided I don't delivery by then!) Heeee

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Another visit...

Today mum and I went to Taka for lunch, met up with YT. On the way there, I had a bit of contraction but there wasn't any 2nd wave. At the clinic before seeing Dr Yang, I was on CTG. 5minutes into CTG,I felt nauseous. I beeped for the nurse and told her that I needed to change position. Later dr came in and said that it's due to the pressure of the uterus that causes nauseous. Dr Yang commented that I should just walked into her clinic 2days ago when I was having contractions as I could really be in labor (which I thought it was pretty much still bearable)! I got an earful from her as baby movement count were not that fantastic (as I was just telling her). But today he's back to normal, as CTG shown. She felt my tummy with her hands and said, "Hey you are having contractions. What if you you really deliver in my clinic!." She did a check and declare 3-4cm, ready to go. Should everything is status quo, I'll see her again on the 10Nov09 i.e. next Tuesday. YT is having a wk course which ends tomorrow. The request was that for baby to be out only after his course ends. So.. who are we to decide on this? Wahahaa let nature takes it course, indeed....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I went for checkup yesterday afternoon. Dr Yang said I am 3cm dilated and cervix is very soft already. She said anytime now, so better be careful from now on. If there is any blood "show" streaks, any contractions, I better get going to the labor room! Anyway, then I went to Taka for snack before walking around to get some last minute stuff. Couldn't walk long. So by 5pm I was queuing up for taxi to pick up Shawn.

Came back home and packed up the hospital bag. Today I went back to office for half a day and would be working from home now on.